Your Fractional HR Partner for Sustainable Growth

At Peak Advisory Consulting, we recognize that the success of your business hinges on having the appropriate people, efficient processes, and compliant HR practices in place. Our Fractional CHRO service provides your  organization with access to an executive-level Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) on a flexible basis based on your organization’s needs. 

From setting strategic direction to executing tactical HR initiatives, our fractional CHRO offers comprehensive support tailored to your organization to help you summit to new heights with expert People Operations—not just Human Resources.

What is Fractional CHRO?

Think of a fractional CHRO as an integral member of your leadership team, offering strategic HR leadership and guidance without the financial commitment of a full-time hire. Fractional CHROs are typically engaged by companies that don't currently have a full-time HR executive, but still require strategic HR leadership and guidance. Many start-ups or growing companies benefit from hiring a fractional CHRO as they are scaling and need more strategic HR-direction. 

Service Offerings

Our seasoned HR professionals deeply understand how to balance the day-to-day tactical needs within HR with a strategic HR mindset that ensures alignment to your overall business objectives. With Peak Advisory Consulting, our team can provide:

  • Strategic HR Leadership: Our Fractional CHROs are strategic leadership partners and coaches, working with your executive team in aligning your human capital strategies with your overall business objectives.
  • Tactical Execution: In addition to strategic direction and executive coaching, we are equipped to handle HR functions such as talent acquisition, employee engagement/retention, performance management, compensation and benefits, and much more.
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What Sets Us Apart?

  • By employing a fractional CHRO, companies can access high-level HR expertise without the cost of hiring a full-time executive. Our flexible arrangement ensures you receive the support you need, precisely when you need it.
  •  With experience in HR, Finance, and Operations, our Fractional CHRO offering brings a holistic understanding of organizational dynamics. Because of this, we bring a unique perspective to HR strategy and optimization that assures alignment with broader business objectives. 

Elevate Your Business with Fractional CHRO Support

Are you ready to take your business to new heights without the hassle of HR challenges? Join the growing list of businesses that have reached their peak with Peak Elevation. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your growth and streamline your HR operations.

At Peak Elevation, your success is our goal, and your growth is our expertise.